Dawah in Prisons

Dawah in America in a professional and effective manner to meet the needs of those who are incarcerated in prison.

Robert F Kennedy once said “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Donate to Our Sadaqa Jariya Campaign

Our Mission

We are a Muslim Civil Rights Volunteer Organization, we are committed to the services of helping others. Our mission is to promote economic freedom through the three fundamental principles of empowerment of the individual, non-discrimination, and open competition.

We support and offer or help and aide through the Florida Department of Corrections Volunteers program. We promote positive change and higher education and encourage men and women to better prepare themselves through various vocational training. Our Youth initiative is a fresh approach toward our most susceptible and vulnerable in society. We must instruct our youth of the importance of education, our aim and goals are to open every door of opportunity to economic freedom and close every incarceration door of despair. We cannot always build the future for our youth but we can build our youth for the future Our Mission is to promote self-awareness, self-improvement, and encourage our youth to build self-confidence in themselves.

In an economically free society, individuals succeed or fail are based on their individual effort and ability, each person controls the fruits of his or her own labor and initiative, individuals are empowered indeed, and entitled to pursue their dreams by means of their own free choice.

Freedom in economic arrangements is in itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so economic freedom is an end in itself, freedom of choice. We highly recommend that to succeed in life a person must obtain the necessary technical skills that they need before being released from incarceration, We hope this will give them the spiritual guidance they need to make better choices in life and the necessary skills to have a better livelihood. We recognize that these principles are essential and necessary to achieve the goal of overcoming the recidivism of incarceration.

In an economically free society, the power of economic decision-making is widely dispersed, and the allocation of resources for production and consumption is on the basis of free and open competition so that every individual or firm has a fair chance to succeed. Join us in our mission by volunteering, donating, and spreading the word. We must prevent our men and women from entering the revolving doors of incarceration.


We promote higher Islamic Studies and inspire Muslim brothers and sisters to develop the necessary knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits that are needed to make right and better choices in life.


We need Muslim entrepreneurs to start their own individual business. To take risks and become entrepreneurs and a source of new ideas, goods, services and business.

Job Opportunities

Job opportunities are open and available through Municipalities, small business and temporary work services.

Housing Opportunities

Housing opportunity are open through rental, affordable housing and habitat for humanity.


Banking service through debit accounts only, no interest rates. Emphasis on saving and then purchased item with the means to do so.

Marriage Enrichment

Marriage is the most significant, legally recognized and sanctioned human relationship. It carries with it numerous rights and responsibilities.

Encouragement to Prepare Themselves
Through Education and Hard Work.


People in Jails


Under supervision


Muslim inmates population


Self determination, inspiration and aspiration, and work ethic in the participants.


Faith in Allah and recognition of the abilities Allah has given them.


The Value of the Deen and the importance of education and social service

Participant Reviews