Mecca Global Foundations

Our focus is on three major aspects of the justice system, the current laws, the courts, law enforcement, detention, and corrections. We can be a powerful force in reforming a system that oppresses and marginalized groups of people. We see the lack of true justice in society as we see the way law enforcement undermines their own oath of carrying out their true responsibility of protecting and serving our communities. The sentencing judiciary system guidelines are unfair in their ruling against people of color versus those people who are not, 70% of the people that are incarcerated are people of color. Accordingly to the prison policy initiative, 10.6 million people go to jail and 600,000 go to prison every year. We invite you to help us meet the needs of those that are incarcerated in the prison system in America to overcome the recidivism rate. That is why we are developing the Muslim transition facility.

The Funds that we raise will be used to support a Muslim Transitional Facility that will house twenty returning citizens every 6 months. This will allow us the opportunity to continue to educate, provide job opportunities, and develop entrepreneurship. We must provide the Qurans, Islamic Literature, Prayer Rugs, Kufi Caps, and Hijabs during incarceration.

In an economically free society, individuals succeed or fail are based on their individual effort and ability, each person controls the fruits of his or her own labor and initiative, individuals are empowered indeed, and entitled to pursue their dreams by means of their own free choice.

How we help?

We provide Islamic Religious instructions on the etiquette of Khutbah, the manner and character of Halaqa classes, and the purification of the heart in learning the Arabic language with the basic and advanced Quranic Arabic studies.

Who we help?

We work towards helping to improve the lives of our incarcerated Muslim brothers and sisters to become better human beings with good behavior and character upon their return to citizenship.

Funds will be used to:

  • Support a Muslim Transitional Facility that will house 20 returning citizens every 6 months.
    • This will allow us the opportunity to continue to educate, provide job opportunities, and develop entrepreneurship.
  • During their incarceration we provide:
    • Qurans, Islamic Literature, Prayer Rugs, Kufi Caps, and Hijabs.

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